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Introducing our range of Hair Care products.

Introducing our range of Hair Care products.
 We are happy to announce your new Secret to a healthy hair with the launch of our own very range of leave in Conditioner and Serum for all hair types. As previously noted, our products can be used on all hair types and not just your LA 'BELLO BEAUTY wigs. This implies that you wouldn’t have to buy different products for your different hair types moving forward.
Our Leave-in Conditioner retails at £6.99, while our Hair Serum retails at £5.99.
Benefits of using our Leave-in Conditioner:
  1. It helps moisturize dry hair.
  2. It Detangles and Softens hair.
  3. Refreshes your hair i.e. it returns your hair to its natural state.
  4. Makes your hair look healthy.
How to use our Leave-in Conditioner:
  1. After washing hair, apply a generous amount of the Leave-in Conditioner into the hair.
  2. Wait for it to set for at least 20 minutes. You can put your hair in shower cap to avoid it coming to your face.
  3. Rinse off thoroughly.
  4. Leave hair to dry.
    Benefits of using our Hair Serum:
    Our hair Serum is a big solution to frizzy, rough and dry hair.
    1. It makes your hair silky and smooth.
    2. It also protects your hair from hot sunlight, pollution and humidity due to the Silicone in the hair serum.
    3. It also gives your hair a lustrous appearance.
    4. It helps prevents your hair from being over heated when styling.
    How to use our Hair Serum:
    1. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
    2. While hair is wet, take a small amount of the hair Serum on hand and apply round the hair. To avoid hair from being too shiny, use two pumps for shorter hair, and, four to five pumps for longer hair.
    3. Let it dry for a while then comb.

    Voila! your hair should appear lustrous again.

    By Bukola Ajayi (@bukkyajayi_)

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